The Human Dragon

There were dinsoaurs many years oago and they were fierce and strong, but they wernt for log. The people escaped their cages and started to stab the dinsars with spears until the dinosaur were all dead, and only feew Survival. The hunmas built buildngs and ate some Pizza and was happy. The drinsausrs that survived the vicious attacks went into hiding and planed reveng. They planned for hundered of years and evolved aswell. They grew wings and horns and leanrt to breaht fire and became dragons! The dragons flew out of the hiding and started to blow fire at the people. But the people had flirefoof walls and were okat.  The people got their guns and started to shoot the dragon, some draghon fell from their sky and some stayed okay because their scaely was bulletproof. The humans and dragon realise they are too strong to defeast eachother so they truce and go back to their own lives and leave each other alone, but when dragon or human see eachother they are angry and try to fight. But overall no problem.
Until one dat, where a dragon was sitting on a hill looking at the flowers and lookjing at the sky and looking at the fields that go on forever and forever. They hold one flower in dragon hand and sniff it happy. It smile at the sky and breth out happily. Then they saw someone walk up to them. It was small and not a dragon so was probaoly a human. But the human smiles and holds flower to dragon to show he is not mean but nice. The dragon smile back and give flower to human and take other flower from human. The ysit next to eachother and smile at flowers. They talk avout life and interests and become friends. They hug then go home to their seperate homes. They were happy they made friends with a dragon/human. Ten the leader of the dragons was angry with the nice dragon for making firends with ah uman as  he had been shot in the war. He wasa  racist. He told nice dragon to never to say to the human again. The human was old this alos by the king of the humans who had no leg from the war and had a fake one and was also a racist. Both the whole towns were racist excelpt the one human and the nice dragon. They both cried themself to sleep thst nihgt and hoped they would see eachother again.
Few year s later they both decide to escape to be together as they love eachother and so they both run out of their windopw and  go to eachother in the night and meet in the field where theu first met and it was romqantic. The peron said he would be with the drasgon and not with the other people because the other poeple were racists. The dragon said the same thing except for the fact that the dragons were racist and they wouls dtay twith the human not another dragon. The hug and msile and then they build a
house and havee kids. The kids are human with dragon claws and wings and fire. They say they will fight the racsits for their parents because they are happy family and the racists do not understant. So they train for many years until they are tought enough to go to the villages to where the racists were. Two went to dragons and twoo went to humans. They fight the racists and kill the mand tehn the rest of them were friends and then everyone lived in a big village with both dragons and humans and dragon human babies kalled “dragoppeople” that were strong and clever aand could build houses better thwn dragoons.